Friday, April 15, 2011

Super Smash Bros. Melee: Adventure Mode

Back yet again with another Melee blog, this time it is on the highly loved and played Adventure Mode! What you do in adventure mode is a cool idea that is highly looked upon by many players, what the mode is based upon is the idea of creating a legitimate story around why all the Nintendo characters all fighting one another in the game. The game is a parody on many games that have a campaign mode, but what makes this "campaign parody" so incredible is that it actually has it's own story that is revolved around all the Smash Bros. characters, and the thing that makes it neat is that there are no cutscenes to help further describe the game's story, instead you are to make up your own story until the ending when you realize who the real menace is. In Adventure Mode you are allowed to choose any characters that are playable in the game and that have been unlocked and with that character you take them on the adventure through many different Nintendo game realms until you get to the last level. In the game mode you have the options of choosing your character, changing the difficulty (which ranges from very easy- very hard), and finally you are allowed to customize how many stocks you have (and not the stocks on Bay St. or Wall St. but how many lives your character is allowed to lose before they are forced to restart or receive a game over. Although the travel through different gaming realms is cool, usually at the end of each level their is a "boss character" you are to face that resides over the level and doesn't take to kindly to your character being there. All these aspects of Adventure Mode make it a truly incredible game mode and one that is definetly something that can be played over and over again.

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